Beta Acceptable Usage Policy

Effective Date: March 10, 2024

Welcome to NextGPM Beta, where we offer early access to our cutting-edge project management application equipped with state-of-the-art AI technology. We appreciate your participation in our Beta program. This Acceptable Use Policy outlines the guidelines for optimal and respectful usage of our beta version. By accessing the beta version of our NextGPM, you agree to abide by these guidelines.

For the purpose of this policy, “services” refer to all features, websites, and functionalities offered by the Beta version of NextGPM.

1. System Integrity

Ensure the protection of our systems with the following guidelines:

  • Do not undertake any activity compromising the security of our services.
  • Abstain from actions that disrupt our services, including identifying or exploiting potential vulnerabilities.
  • Avoid unauthorized access, hacking or circumvention of the security measures of our services.
  • Refrain from modifying or impairing the integrity or performance of the services, related systems or data.

2. Feedback

As part of your participation in the Beta program, we expect:

  • Constructive and honest feedback about your experience with the services.
  • Prompt communication about any bugs, glitches, or potential vulnerabilities you encounter.
  • Respect and patience as we work on your feedback, as iterations in Beta versions may take time.

3. Wrongful Activities

Users must not engage in any harmful activities such as:

  • Misrepresenting your identity or attempting to hide the origin of content.
  • Publishing private information of any other individual without permission.
  • Direct threats of violence against other users.
  • Using the services for illegal activities or in breach of laws.
  • Seeking help for or enabling illegal activities.

4. Inappropriate Communications and Content

Ensure respectful communications and content:

  • Avoid generating or distributing unsolicited communications, spam or advertisements.
  • Refrain from disparaging NextGPM, its partners, vendors, or affiliates.
  • Do not share content that infringes upon intellectual property rights or encourages harmful conduct.
  • Do not share or introduce malicious software into the services.

5. Usage Expectations and Limitations

As this is a beta version, be aware that:

  • The services may contain bugs and issues, or may not function as optimally as the final product.
  • Although user data will not be intentionally compromised, due to the testing nature of Beta, we cannot guarantee complete security.
  • Regular updates and modifications may be made to the services, which might cause minor interruptions.

Acknowledgment of AI Limitations:

It’s essential to note that AI systems, while advanced, aren’t flawless. The AI assistant provides project analysis, goal setting, and risk assessment, but there may be errors. Users must independently verify information in critical decision situations.

NextGPM reserves the right to terminate or suspend a user’s access to the services without notice or liability if it’s determined that they violated this Acceptable Use Policy. We also reserve the right to discontinue the Beta services at any time without prior notice.

Thank you for your participation in the NextGPM Beta Program. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance project management and analysis while abiding by the principles stated in this policy.

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