AI in E-commerce Web Development Project Management – Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of our comprehensive guide showcasing how NextGPM harnesses AI in E-commerce Web Development Project Management. If you are landing here first, we strongly recommend reading Unpacking an E-commerce Web Development Project with AI – Part 1 to get the full context of this guide. In Part 1, we laid the groundwork by describing the initial project setup, SMART goal setting, and reviewed the AI results on SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) Goal Generation. Now, in Part 2, we delve into visualization with risk assessment and the role of our interactive AI chat. Let’s continue our deep dive into project management excellence with NextGPM.

Section 1: Project Risk Assessment with AI in E-commerce Web Development

Using NextGPM’s AI-powered risk assessment feature, we conduct a comprehensive risk analysis for the entire project first. This AI tool examines the project’s specifics and comes up with potential risks that can be encountered during the execution process. These risks might range from technical issues to potential time overruns or resource availability.

Detailed Risk Identification

After identifying the risks for the overall project, we do the same at the goal level. By assessing the risks associated with the project, we ensure that each micro-component of the project is risk-averse. If a risk linked to a goal is realized, it doesn’t disrupt the entire project but becomes a localized issue that we can address promptly.


NextGPM’s AI also provides mitigation strategies for each anticipated risk. With these proactive strategies, we can keep potential issues under control, allowing smooth project execution.

Section 2: Identyfing Risks

To identify risks along with importance levels and mitigation strategies, all we need to do is click on the AI_Generate Risks button on the project details page. The main question this feature answers to is: What are some main risks we can face while Crafting a User-centric E-commerce Platform?

NextGPM AI-powered project risk assessment interface with options to generate risks.

At this point, we do have a couple of options. Firstly, we can include the project labels we defined in the Project Creation Phase if any. If we believe we should include some more labels, we can do so by typing our new labels into the Labels section. Another option is to start using the interactive notes feature. We can ask questions, and the AI will respond, or we can collaborate with our team. If we are analyzing this project alone, we can just write our notes and thoughts on the project. If we then select “Include Notes” in the risk assessment process, the system will take our notes into account to identify any risk hidden there and try to mitigate those as well.


For the purpose of this example, we will take into account the labels and request a project risk assessment. The process takes between 5 to 30 seconds. It then provides a complete risk assessment, along with mitigation strategies and risk severity.

NextGPM detailed project risk assessment results with mitigation strategies.
Examining AI-Generated Risks Results

We can see in the image that risks are generated in a way that can be organized and examined by the end users. There is an icon showing the risk importance, ranging from green to red. Risks are expandable to read the details. If we believe that a risk is not relevant to our project or is something that should be addressed later, we can delete it. Read the entire list of risks generated below:

Risk: Scalability Issues

Risk Description: As the user base grows, the platform might face performance and scalability issues, resulting in slow load times and potential downtime.

Mitigation strategy: Implement a scalable architecture using cloud services that allow for easy scaling. Regularly monitor performance metrics and optimize code for better performance.

Risk: Security Vulnerabilities

Risk Description: The platform could be vulnerable to security threats like data breaches, which could compromise sensitive user information.

Mitigation Strategy: Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments. Implement robust security measures like SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular software updates.

Risk: Integration Challenges

Risk Description: Integrating various third-party services (e.g., payment gateways, inventory systems) may present compatibility and reliability issues.

Mitigation Strategy: Thoroughly vet third-party services for compatibility. Develop modular integration strategies and conduct detailed testing in a staging environment before deployment.

Risk: Usability Issues

Risk Description: The user interface may not meet the expectations of all users, leading to a poor user experience and potentially lost sales.

Mitigation Strategy: Conduct extensive user testing and usability studies to gather feedback. Iteratively improve the interface based on user input.

Risk: Data Accuracy

Risk Description: Incorrect or outdated product information can result in customer dissatisfaction and increased return rates.

Mitigation Strategy: Implement automated tools for regularly updating product information. Establish data accuracy standards and conduct regular audits.

Risk: Regulatory Compliance

Risk Description: Non-compliance with e-commerce regulations (e.g., GDPR, consumer protection laws) could lead to legal penalties.

Mitigation Strategy: Keep up-to-date with relevant regulations and integrate compliance checks into the development workflow. Consult with legal experts as needed.

Even though ChatGPT-4 does an exceptional work on RAG (retrieval augmented generation), which is what we have here, we should always double check the results before assuming that we are good to go with our project. Always double check the results of the AI generation features, because AI can make a lot of mistakes. 

Step3: Using the Interactive Notes feature

This feature has since evolved to assist the team or even individuals with questions related to their work. Think of it as a private search engine that searches for you and answers questions related to your work while considering all the aspects of the entity you work on at that moment.


Interactive notes feature in NextGPM showing team communication and AI responses.

As we work early on the project analysis and just created a robust risk assessment with the help of AI, let’s ask some questions to get some help regarding safety and threats. 

Whenever we write down a note ending with an exclamation mark the AI will respond taking into account whatever info is in the page at that moment. Here are a couple of questions. 

USER:What else should I have in mind except of GDPR?
AI:As an E-commerce and software development expert, I would suggest considering data privacy and security measures in addition to GDPR. This includes implementing SSL encryption, secure payment gateways, and regular data backups to protect customer information. It's also important to prioritize user experience by regularly testing the platform for ease of use and making updates as needed. Additionally, incorporating customer feedback through reviews or surveys can help continually improve the platform's functionality.
USER:What are some threats for the platform?
AI:Some potential threats for the platform could include cyber attacks, data breaches, and technical glitches that may impact the user experience. It's important to have proper security measures in place and regularly test for vulnerabilities to mitigate these risks. Additionally, competition from other e-commerce platforms could also pose a threat if they offer similar or better features. Continuous monitoring and adaptation can help address any potential threats to the platform's success.

As we can see above, ChatGPT will impersonate the specialty of the industry assigned and will try to generate content based on those parameters. We have seen some great usages of this feature from users that emailed us full of joy of having such an assistant by their side on their project management journey. We are sure that you will use it in the best ways you can. 


The utilization of AI in e-commerce web development project management, as demonstrated through the risk assessment process provided by NextGPM, exemplifies how technology can immensely improve project success rates. By systematically identifying potential risks at both the macro and micro levels, the AI-powered tools offer robust mitigation strategies that align with each project’s unique demands.

In conclusion, integrating AI in e-commerce web development project management not only drives efficiency but also fosters a more structured and organized approach to handling complex projects. As AI continues to evolve, its capabilities in risk management, real-time feedback, and dynamic response generation will undoubtedly become invaluable assets in the realm of project management. With NextGPM’s innovative tools, achieving project excellence is a more attainable and systematic endeavor.

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